東南アジア研究 17 巻 4 号



東南アジア低地開拓史 : 東南アジアにおける低地開発の諸相
[Lowlands in Southeast Asia: Their Historical Development]
低地開拓史の視点 : 序文
[Significance of the Lowlands in Southeast Asia: Introduction]
・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro]
[The Red River Delta in the Tenth Century]
・・・ 桜井由躬雄 [Sakurai, Yumio]
[The Reclamation of the Chao Phraya Delta]
・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu]
Farming Technology in the Deep Flooding Area of the Chao Phraya Delta: A Case Study in Ayutthaya ・・・ 田辺繁治 [Tanabe, Shigeharu]
[Use and Nonuse of the Lowland of Sarawak]
・・・ 福井捷朗 [Fukui, Hayao]

論文 [Articles]
「人民主義」をめぐって : チプト・マングンクスモvs.スタットモ・スリヨクスモ
[Pandita vs. Satria: The Dispute between Soetatmo Soeriokoesoemo and Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo]
・・・ 白石隆 [Shiraishi, Takashi]
Deviation from Optimum Fallow Periods for Dry Rice Fields in Sarawak: The Effects on Rice Production ・・・ Deegan, James L.
On Linking National Econometric Models of Japan, U.S.A., and the East and Southeast Asia Countries ・・・ 安田聖 [Yasuda, Satoshi]
Daniel, Susan B.
市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi]
現地通信 [Field Reports]
ESCAP雑感[Some Thoughts about ESCAP] ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo]
東北タイのラオス難民キャンプ[A Visit to a Laotion Refugee Camp] ・・・ 三谷恭之 [Mitani, Yasuyuki]
寄贈図書目録 [Books Received by the Library]