東南アジア研究 29 巻 3 号



[Genealogy of Agriculture in the Southeast Asian rchipelago]

マライシアの農耕系譜[Genealogy of Agriculture in Malaysia] ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao]
[The Malayan-Type Rice Culture and Its Distribution]
・・・ 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji]
書評 [Book Reviews]
Tan Malaka. From Jail to Jail. Translated and introduced by Helen Jarvis. Monographs in International Studies, Southeast Asia Series No.83. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Center for International Studies, 1991. Vol.1 cxlvi + 303p., Vol.2 viii + 454p. ・・・ 押川典昭 [Oshikawa, Noriaki]
現地通信 [Field Reports]
コーラートの町[The Town of Korat] ・・・ 上田曜子 [Ueda, Yoko]