The Significance of Forest to the Emergence of Batek Knowledge in Pahang, Malaysia | ・・・ | Lye, Tuck-Po |
ラオス・モン族の食糧問題と移住 [Food Problems and Migration among the Hmong Tribe in Laos] |
・・・ | 鈴木基義 [Suzuki, Motoyoshi] 安井清子 [Yasui, Kiyoko] |
インドネシアにおけるイスラーム左派と知識人ネットワーク [Islamic Left and Intellectual Network in Indonesia] |
・・・ | 見市建 [Miichi, Ken] |
Environments and People of Sumatran Peat Swamp Forests I : Distribution and Typology of Vegetation | ・・・ | 百瀬邦泰 [Momose, Kuniyasu] 嶋村鉄也 [Shimamura, Tetsuya] |
Environments and People of Sumatran Peat Swamp Forests II : Distribution of Villages and Interactions between People and Forests | ・・・ | 百瀬邦泰 [Momose, Kuniyasu] |
書評 [Book Reviews] | ||
Jane Richardson Hanks, and Lucien Mason Hanks. Tribes of the North Thailand Frontier. Monograph 51. Yale University Southeast Asian Studies, 2001, xlviii+319p.+map. | ・・・ | 速水洋子 [Hayami, Yoko] |
現地通信 [Field Reports] | ||
パロロは出たか?[Did Palolo Swarming Occur?] | ・・・ | 五十嵐忠孝 [Igarashi, Tadataka] |