東南アジア研究 13 巻 2 号



論文 [Articles]

[A Historical Analysis of the Problem of Landownership and Socio-Economic Development in the Mekong Delta]

・・・ 高橋保 [Takahashi, Tamotsu]
Geographic Distribution of Primary Freshwater Fishes in Four Principal Areas of Southeast Asia ・・・ 多紀保彦 [Taki, Yasuhiko]
Paddy Soils in Tropical Asia: Part 4, Soil Material Classification ・・・ 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo]
久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake]
資料・研究ノート [Notes]

[Adoptive Pro-Parents and Pro-Children among the Malays]

・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro]
前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi]

[ Foreign-affiliated vs. Domestic Companies in Singapore’s Industrialization]

・・・ 吉原久仁夫 [Yoshihara, Kunio]
Rice Cropping Patterns in Southern Asian Delta ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu]

[Phytogeographical Notes on the Pteridophyte Flora of Thailand]

・・・ 岩槻邦男 [Iwatsuki, Kunio]
東南アジアにおける生薬の比較研究(第VIII報) : クチンの中葯(1)

[A Comparative Study of Crude Drugs in Southeast Asia, Part VIII: Chinese Crude Drugs at Kuching(1)]

・・・ 新田あや [Nitta, Aya]
東南アジアの気候の特性について(2) : ラオス・タイ・マレーシア・シンガポールの大雨

[The Climate of Southeast Asia(2): Heavy Rainfall in Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore]

・・・ 中島暢太郎 [Nakajima, Chotaro]