東南アジア研究 47 巻 2 号



War’s Ontogeny:Militias and Ethnic Boundaries in Laos and Exile ・・・ JONSSON, Hjorleifur
Decentralization, Empowerment and Tourism Development:
Pai Town in Mae Hong Son, Thailand
・・・ LORTANAVANIT, Duangjai
[The Function of Mutual Assistance
through Children’s Inter-household Mobility in Rural Cambodia]
・・・ 佐藤奈穂 [SATO, Nao]
1930 年代の在日フィリピン人留学生と国際関係
[Filipino Students in Japan and International Relations
in the 1930s:An Aspect of Soft Power Policies in Imperial Japan]
・・・ 木下 昭 [KINOSHITA, Akira]
書評 [Book Reviews]
Grace Barretto-Tesoro. Identity and Reciprocity in 15th Century Philippines. British Archaeological Reports International Series 1813. Oxford: John and Erica Hedges Ltd., 2008. ・・・ PALUGA, Myfel Joseph
林 行夫(編).『〈境域〉の実践宗教――大陸部東南アジア地域と宗教のトポロジー』地域研究叢書19
[Hayashi Yukio, ed. Practical Religions: Topologies of Religion within Mainland Southeast Asia. Chiiki Kenkyu Sosho 19.]
・・・ 山田孝子 [YAMADA, Takako]
現地通信 [Field Reports]
[The Appearance of Pet Dogs: The Transformation of Human-Canine Relations in Central Flores, Indonesia]
・・・ 杉島敬志 [SUGISHIMA, Takashi]