In 1963 Tonan Ajia Kenkyu was started as a bilingual quarterly journal that reflects the Center for Southeast Asian Studies’ strong commitment to publishing the best of empirically grounded, multidisciplinary, and contemporary research in the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities. In 2012, our center re-launched Southeast Asian Studies, an all-English journal as a sister journal of Tonan Ajia Kenkyu. Intended for a regional as well as global readership, Southeast Asian Studies is published three times a year. In accordance with the launching of new English journal, Tonan Ajia Kenkyu has been reorganized as an all-Japanese biannual journal.

Peer-reviewed by a broad range of specialists, the journal accepts articles for review all year round.

Print ISSN: 0563-8682 Online ISSN: 2424-1377


Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 62, No. 1

[CONTENTS] Published on July 31, 2024 <特集> 危機の文脈――ロヒンギャ問題を巡る複眼的考察―― [Contexts of Crisis: Understanding the Rohingya Issue from Multiple Perspectives] はしがき [Introduction] ・・・ 中西嘉宏 [NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro] ミャンマーにおける仏教ナショナリズムの行方 […]

Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 61, No. 2

[CONTENTS] Published on January 31, 2024 インドネシアの泥炭保全ガバナンスがもつ経済的機会の偏向性――リアウ州における村落世帯調査から―― [Economic Opportunity Bias of Peatland Conservation Governance in Indonesia: Evidence from a Rural Household Survey in Riau Province] […]

Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 61, No. 1

CONTENTS Published on July 31, 2023 反日運動からジャパナイゼーションへ――1970~1990 年代のタイにおける対日認識転換の再検討―― [From Anti-Japanese Movements to a Wave of “Japanization”: Reexamination of the Changes in the Thai Perception of […]

Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 60, No. 2

CONTENTS Published on January 31, 2023 19 世紀初頭のベトナム北部山地における阮朝の支配の変遷 [Transition of Governance in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands in the Early Nguyễn Period] ・・・ 吉川和希 [YOSHIKAWA, Kazuki] イサーンにおける「赤シャツ」農民の生態学――支持・参加の濃淡と生業・生態環境の相関から―― […]

Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 60, No. 1

CONTENTS Published on July 31, 2022 <特集>「景福寺資料」の学際的研究――東南アジア研究における文献資料の新たな活用に向けて―― [Interdisciplinary Study of Canh Phuoc Temple Collection: For the Development of a New Approach to Document Research in […]