Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 13 No 3


Published on December 31, 1975

論文 [Articles]

[Theoretical Analysis of Rice Export System in Thailand]

・・・ 中嶋千尋 [Nakajima, Chihiro]

[Economic Analysis of the Rice Premium Policy of Thailand]

・・・ 辻井博 [Tsujii, Hiroshi]
Paddy Soils in Tropical Asia: Part 5. Soil Fertility Evaluation ・・・ 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo]
久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake]
Forest Ecological Studies of the Montane Forest of Mt. Pangrango, West Java: I. Stratification and Floristic Composition of the Montane Rain Forest near Cibodas ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu]
資料・研究ノート [Notes]
Phan Boi Chau and Japan ・・・ 白石昌也 [Shiraishi, Masaya]
タイ国の法体系に関する一考察 ( I ) : 伝統的法体系の存続

[The Continuity of the Traditional Legal System in Modern Thailand (I)]

・・・ 赤木攻 [Akagi, Osamu]

[A Report on the Rural Leadership in Delta Region under Thieu Government]

・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro]
前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi]
衛星写真判読による小縮尺地形分類図の試作 : ジャワ島東部の場合

[Preparing a Small Scale Geomorphological Land Classification Map of the Eastern Part of Java Utilizing Photographs by the Earth Resources Technology Satellite(ERTS)]

・・・ 大矢雅彦 [Oya, Masahiko]
Clay Mineral Compositions of the Soils and Subtrata of Some Quaternary Outcrops in the Saraburi and Lop Buri Area of the Central Plain of Thailand ・・・ 服部共生 [Hattori, Tomoo]