Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 62, No. 1


Published on July 31, 2024

<特集> 危機の文脈――ロヒンギャ問題を巡る複眼的考察――

[Contexts of Crisis: Understanding the Rohingya Issue from Multiple Perspectives]

・・・ 中西嘉宏
[NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro]
[Whither Buddhist Nationalism in Myanmar?]
・・・ 藏本龍介
[KURAMOTO, Ryosuke]
[Northern Rakhine State and the Threat Perception of Myanmar’s Armed Forces]
・・・ 中西嘉宏
[NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro]
[Char Relocation of Rohingya: The Implications of Bangladesh’s Response]
・・・ 高田峰夫
[TAKADA, Mineo]
[International Judicial Intervention and Excessive Self-immunity of the Political Community: Another Reflection on the Rohingya Issue]
・・・ 土佐弘之
[TOSA, Hiroyuki]
[Discourse Analysis on the Rohingya Issue in Social Media: Kirimura Takashi Analysis of the Malay-Language Tweets]
・・・ 岡本正明
[OKAMOTO, Masaaki]
桐村 喬
[KIRIMURA, Takashi]
書評 [Book Reviews]
梅﨑昌裕.『微生物との共生――パプアニューギニア高地人の適応システム』生態人類学は挑むMONOGRAPH 9.京都大学学術出版会,2023,vi+234p.
[Umezaki Masahiro. Symbiosis with Microbiomes: Adaptation System of the Papua New Guinea Highlanders. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2023, vi+234p.]
・・・ 古澤拓郎
[FURUSAWA, Takuro]
[Kagotani Naoto and Kawamura Tomotaka, eds. Society and Economy of Southeast Asia in Modern Globalization: Java and Intra-Asian Regional Networks. Kyoto: Rinsen Book Co., 2023, 387p.]

太田 淳
[OTA, Atsushi]

川中 豪;鈴木有理佳.『権威主義的反動と新自由主義――ドゥテルテ政権の6年』日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所,2023,iv+125p.
[Kawanaka Takeshi and Suzuki Yurika. Authoritarian Backlash and Neo-Liberalism: Six Years of the Duterte Administration. Chiba: Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), 2023, iv+125p.]
・・・ 原 民樹
[HARA, Tamiki]
[Ikehata Setsuho. A Study of the Philippine Revolution. Tokyo: Yamakawa Shuppansha Ltd., 2022, 441+57p.]
・・・ 内山史子
[UCHIYAMA, Fumiko]
[Hirata Akiko. Upland Lao People and Lam Singing: An Ethnography of Religious and Performing Arts Practices that Have Survived the Laotian Civil War. Tokyo: Fukyosha Publishing Inc., 2023, 365p.]
・・・ 津村 文彦
[TSUMURA, Fumihiko]