東南アジア研究 26 巻 4 号



<特集>マレー世界のなかのマダガスカル [Madagascar in the Malay World]

編者のことば[Editor’s Note] ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu]
[Land Use in the Dry Zone of Madagascar ]
・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao]
[Rice and Rice Culture in Madagascar ]
・・・ 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji]
稲作を生きる, 稲と稲作の実践と戦略

[The Tsimihety Peasants’ Practices and Strategies of Rice Cultivation in Northern Madagascar ]
・・・ 深澤秀夫 [Fukazawa, Hideo]

[Befody : A Settlement between the Betsimisaraka and the Sihanaka ]
・・・ 前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi]
座談会 [A Panel Discussion]
[Agriculture of Madagascar : Its Malay Elements ]
・・・ 高谷好一[他] [Takaya, Yoshikazu]
書評 [Book Reviews]
ワリン・ウォンハンチャオ; 池本幸生(編). 『タイの経済政策――歴史・現状・展望――』 アジア経済研究所, 1988, 323p.
[Warin Wonghanchao; and Yukio Ikemoto, eds. Economic Development Policy in Thailand : History, Present Situation and Prospect. Tokyo : Institute of Developing Economies, 1988, 323p]
・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo]
Melanie Beresford. Vietnam : Politics, Economics and Society. London: Pinter Publishers. 1988, xxi + 242p. ・・・ 吉原久仁夫 [Yoshihara, Kunio]
現地通信 [Field Reports]
ハノイ――庶民の味[Popular Dishes of Hanoi] ・・・ 桃木至朗 [Momoki, Shiro]
寄贈図書目録 [Books Received by the Library]