東南アジア研究 45 巻 2 号




[The Emergence of Village Meetings and the Introduction of Village Assemblies in Early Twentieth Century Colonial Indonesia]
・・・ 水野広祐 [Mizuno, Kosuke]
[The Formation of Enclosed-type Dykes in the Red River Plain]
・・・ 西村昌也 [NISHIMURA, Masanari]
[The Re-development of Public Housing Estates in Singapore]
・・・ 鍋倉 聰 [NABEKURA, Satoshi]
Impacts and Constraints of Universal Coverage in Thailand’s Public Health: A Survey Study in the Northeast Region ・・・ Chamchan, Chalermpol
書評 [Book Reviews]
Reed L. Wadley, ed. Histories of the Borneo Environment: Economic, Political and Social Dimensions of Change and Continuity. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2005, vi+315p. ・・・ 市川昌広 [ICHIKAWA, Masahiro]
David Henley, Fertility Food and Fever: Population, Economy and Environment in North and Central Sulawesi, 1600-1930. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2005, 711p. ・・・ De Jong, Wil
Adrian C Sleigh; Chee Heng Leng; Brenda SA Yeoh; Phua Kai Hong; and Rachel Safman, eds. Population Dynamics and Infectious Diseases in Asia. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2006, 430p. + index. ・・・ 吉川みな子 [YOSHIKAWA, Minako]
現地通信 [Field Reports]
定年前後のフィールドワーク[My Fieldwork before and after Retirement] ・・・ 山田 勇 [YAMADA, Isamu]