


[Kadu Phonology]
・・・ 藤原敬介 [HUZIWARA, Keisuke]
[A Study of Buddhist Places of Worship in Rural Cambodia:
With a Special Focus on Their Differences and Formative Processes]
・・・ 小林 知 [KOBAYASHI, Satoru]
[Political Feuds over Collaboration and Resistance during the Japanese Occupation of Leyte, Philippines]
・・・ 荒 哲 [ARA, Satoshi]
タイにおける汚職の創造 ――法規定と政治家批判――
[The Creation of Corruption in Thailand:
Legal Provisions and Criticism of Politicians]
・・・ 外山文子 [TOYAMA, Ayako]
[Water Privatization in the Capital City of Indonesia and Struggles over Policy: Changes and Continuities in Post-Suharto Indonesia]
・・・ 茅根由佳 [KAYANE, Yuka]
書評論文『講座 生存基盤論』
[Reviews Articles on Humanosphere Lecture Series]
第1巻 『歴史の中の熱帯生存圏』
地域史の先にある未来 ――化石資源文明からの卒業シナリオ――
Vol. 1 The Tropical Humanosphere in Global History.
Finding Future in Regional History:
Graduation Scenario from the Fossil Civilization
・・・ 佐藤 仁[SATO, Jin]
第2巻 『地球圏・生命圏の潜在力』
Vol. 2 The Potentiality of Geosphere and Biosphere.
A Study on Nature-Human Interaction in the Field of Area Studies
・・・ 横山 智[YOKOYAMA, Satoshi]
第5巻 『生存基盤指数』
Vol. 5 The Humanosphere Potentiality Index.
The Humanosphere Potentiality Index:
Its Implications and Challenges to It
・・・ 山形辰史
[YAMAGATA, Tatsufumi]
書評 [Book Reviews]
森田敦郎.『野生のエンジニアリング-タイ中小工業における人とモノの人類学』京都:世界思想社,2012, 280p.
Morita Atsuro. Engineering in the Wild: Ethnography of Humans and Artifacts in the Thai Small Manufacturing Industry.
Kyoto: Sekaishisosha, 2012, 280p.
・・・ 馬場敏幸 [BABA, Toshiyuki]
須永和博.『エコツーリズムの民族誌-北タイ山地民カレンの生活世界』東京:春風社,2012, 435p.
Sunaga Kazuhiro. Ethnography of Ecotourism:
The Life-world of the Karen in Northern Thailand.
Tokyo: Shumpusha, 2012, 435p.
・・・ 綾部真雄 [AYABE, Masao]
早瀬晋三.『フィリピン近現代史のなかの日本人-植民地社会の形成と移民・商品』東京大学出版会,2012, 312p.
Hayase Shinzo. Japanese in the Philippine Modern History:
Immigrants and Imported Goods in a Colonial Society.
Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2012, 312p.
・・・ 寺見元恵 [TERAMI, Motoe]
鈴木絢女.『〈民主政治〉の自由と秩序-マレーシア政治体制論の再構築』京都大学学術出版会,2010, 304p.
Suzuki Ayame. Freedom and Order in “Democracies”:
Reconsidering Malaysia’s Political Regime.
Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2010, 304p.
・・・ 伊賀 司 [IGA, Tsukasa]
Robert Cribb. Digital Atlas of Indonesian History. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2010, DVD with 487 maps+80p. user guide. ・・・ 加藤 剛 [KATO, Tsuyoshi]