Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 23 No 2 目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1985 19世紀ビルマの英国植民地化過程と社会変容 [On the Process of Colonization by the British and the Social Changes in 19th Century Buruma] 19世紀ビルマの英国植民地化過程における伝統法体系の変容に関する一考察 [Changes in the Burmese Traditional Legal System during the Process of Colonization by the British in the 19th Century] ・・・ 奥平龍二 [Okudaira, Ryuji] 英領ビルマにおける初期土地制度1826-1876 [The Land Tenure System in Burma in the Early Stage of British Colonization, 1826-1876] ・・・ 斎藤照子 [Saito, Teruko] ウー・トゥーリャの乱 ―― 19世紀末下ビルマの反政庁運動―― [U Thuriya’s Rebellion : The Anti-colonial Uprising in Late 19th Century Lower Buruma] ・・・ 伊東利勝 [Ito, Toshikatsu] 論文 [Articles] The Changing Labor Force and Employment Problem in Thailand ・・・ Nitungkorn, Sukanya Macro-implications of Income Redistribution in Thailand ・・・ Nijathaworn, Bandid 研究ノート [Notes] 「29の訴訟項目」(Ekunatimsa Mulagati Vivada)について ―― インド古代法「パーリ化」の一事例―― [On ‘Ekunatimsa Mulagati Vivada’ in Phrathammasat : A Case of ‘Pali-ization’ of the Traditional Law of Thailand] ・・・ 石井米雄 [Ishii, Yoneo] 現地通信 [Field Reports] サンゲアン島にて [On Sangeang Island] ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu] 寄贈図書目録 [Books Received by the Library]