Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol.57, No.1


Published on July 31, 2019

[The Lê–Trịnh Government and Native Chieftains in the Northern Uplands in Eighteenth-Century Vietnam: Focusing on the Lạng Sơn Region]
・・・ 吉川 和希
[Japan-Cambodia Agreement on Economic and Technological Cooperation as “Quasi-reparation”: Political Process in the Japanese Government and International Relations in 1955–59]
・・・ 友次 晋介
[TOMOTSUGU, Shinsuke]
[Maintaining Pillar Dwellings on the East Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia: A Study of Timber Piles]
・・・ 鈴木 遙
[SUZUKI, Haruka]
書評 [Book Reviews]
山田 勇;赤嶺 淳;平田昌弘(編). 『生態資源――モノ・場・ヒトを生かす世界』 昭和堂,2018,vi+277p.+x.
[Yamada Isamu, Akamine Jun, and Hirata Masahiro, eds. Eco Resources: Material, Field and Human Dynamics. Kyoto: Showado, 2018, vi+277p.+x. ]
・・・ 田中 耕司
[TANAKA, Koji]
[Ohno Akihiko. Weaving the Market: Traders and Contract—The Rural Hand-weaving Industry in Laos. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2017, iii+562p.]
・・・ 谷本 雅之
[TANIMOTO, Masayuki]
堀江未央.『娘たちのいない村――ヨメ不足の連鎖をめぐる雲南ラフの民族誌』 京都大学学術出版会,2018,v+348p.
[Horie Mio. A Village without Daughters: Bride Shortage, Marriage Migration and Women’s Belonging among the Lahu of Southwest China. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2018, v+348p.]
・・・ 長坂 格
福浦厚子.『都市の寺廟――シンガポールにおける神聖空間の人類学』 春風社,2018,305p.
[Fukuura Atsuko. A Temple in Urbanity: Anthropological Study of Sacred Spaces in Singapore. Yokohama: Shumpusha Publishing, 2018, 305p. ]
・・・ 篠崎 香織
志賀市子(編). 『潮州人――華人移民のエスニシティと文化をめぐる歴史人類学』 風響社,2018,420p.
[Shiga Ichiko, ed. Chaozhounese: A Historical-anthropological Study of the Ethnicity and Cultures of Chinese Migrants. Tokyo: Fukyosha, 2018, 420p.]
・・・ 伏木 香織
[FUSHIKI, Kaori]
東江日出郎.『フィリピンにおける民主的地方政治権力誕生のダイナミクス』 耕文社,2017,276p.
[Agarie Hideo. Dynamics of the Birth of Democratic Local Political Power in the Philippines. Osaka: Kobunsha, 2017, 276p.]
・・・ 西村 謙一
[NISHIMURA, Kenichi]
外山文子;日下 渉;伊賀 司;見市 建(編著). 『21世紀東南アジアの強権政治――「ストロングマン」時代の到来』 明石書店,2018,257p.
[Toyama Ayako, Kusaka Wataru, Iga Tsukasa, and Miichi Ken, eds. 21st Century Authoritarian Politics in Southeast Asia: The Arrival of the “Strongman” Era. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2018, 257p. ]
・・・ 川村 晃一
[KAWAMURA, Koichi]
[Igarashi Seiichi. New Regionalism and Civil Society in East Asia: Hegemony, Norm, and Critical Regionalism Approach. Tokyo: Keiso Shobo, 2018, xiv+407p.]
・・・ 木場 紗綾
[KIBA, Saya]