Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol.58, No.2


Published on January 31, 2021

[Script of Islam, Script of Malay: Jawi Revivalist Discourse in Early Independent Indonesia and Its Relationship to Malaya]
・・・ 山口元樹
[The Ecological Cognition of Sama-Bajau People in the Banggai Islands, Indonesia: Indigenous Classification of Fish, Fishing Grounds, and Landmarks of Outer Sea Fishing]
・・・ 中野真備
[NAKANO, Makibi]
[Mode of Mass Mobilization in the Midst of Democratization: Popularizing Local Politics and Betawi Ethnic Organizations in Jakarta]
・・・ 中村昇平
[NAKAMURA, Shohei]
[Structure of Production, Processing, and Marketing of Para Rubber in Mon State, Myanmar: Its Past, Present, and Prospects]
・・・ 藤田幸一
[FUJITA, Koichi]
書評 [Book Reviews]
[Sato Wakana. Women Living with Their Costumes: The Material Culture and Mother-Daughter Relationships of the Miao. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2020, 310p.]
・・・ 中谷文美
[Ando Kazuo, ed. East Himalaya: Civilization without Big Cities. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2020, xxi+537p.]
・・・ 田中耕司
[TANAKA, Koji]
佐久間香子.『ボルネオ 森と人の関係誌』春風社,2020,352+xxxivp.
[Sakuma Kyoko. A Longhouse Evolving: Between Humans and Forests in Borneo. Yokohama: Shumpusha Publishing, 2020, 352+xxxivp.]
・・・ 内堀基光
[UCHIBORI, Motomitsu]
[Taniguchi Miyoko. Assisting Peacebuilding: Mindanao Conflict and Road to Peace. Nagoya: The University of Nagoya Press, 2020, viii+381p.]
・・・ 武内進一
[TAKEUCHI, Shinichi]
[Seto Hiroyuki and Kono Yasuyuki, eds. Local Societies and Their Struggles for Survival during and after Wars in Mainland Southeast Asia: Experiences of Refugees, Women, Ethnic Minorities and Surrenderers. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, 2020, 324p]
・・・ 下條尚志
[SHIMOJO, Hisashi]
[Tosa Keiko and Tamura Katsumi, eds. Living in Transition: Anthropological Studies of Control and Publicness in Myanmar. Tokyo: Fukyosha Publishing, 2020, 330p.]
・・・ 中西嘉宏
[NAKANISHI, Yoshihiro]
橋本 彩.『ラオス競漕祭の文化誌――伝統とスポーツ化をめぐって』めこん,2020,286p.
[Hashimoto Sayaka. Cultural Study of Boat Racing Festival in Laos: The Line between Tradition and Sport. Tokyo: Mekong Publishing, 2020, 286p.]
・・・ 矢野順子
[YANO, Junko]
三重野文晴(編).『変容するASEAN の商業銀行』アジア経済研究所,2020,ix+203p.
[Mieno Fumiharu, ed. Transformation of the ASEAN Commercial Banking Sector. Chiba: IDE-JETRO, 2020, ix+203p.]
・・・ 齋藤, 純
[SAITO, Jun]
[Goto Kenta. What is the Asian Economy? Its Growth Dynamism and Japan’s Future. Tokyo: Chuokoron-Shinsha, Inc., 2019, ix+216p.]
・・・ 川上桃子
[KAWAKAMI, Momoko]