Published on June 30, 1978
特集 近代日本の南方関与 [ Historical Patterns of the Commitment to Southeast Asia of Modern Japan] |
編集者のことば[Editor’s Note ] |
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矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] |
論文 [Articles] |
[Japanese Views on Southeast Asia during the Taisho Period ] |
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矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] |
日本人キリスト者三浦襄の「南方関与」 : 信徒のキリスト教受容に関する一考察
[Jo Miura, A Japanese Christian Who “Moved Southward” : An Attempt at an Analysis of the Acceptance of Christianity among Ordinary People ] |
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原誠 [Hara, Makoto] |
「アジア主義」者のタイ国進出 : 明治期の一局面
[The Asianists in Thailand in the Middle of the Meiji Era ] |
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吉川利治 [Yoshikawa, Toshiharu] |
資料 [Notes] |
[ Official Records of Japanese Activities in Southeast Asia: Documents in the Diplomatic Archives of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs ] |
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土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji] |
南方軍軍政総監部の組織と任務 : 『執務規程』と『軍政令』を中心に[The Organization and Functions of the Military Administration of the Expeditionary Forces in Southeast Asia : Focussing on ‘Official Function’ and ‘Military Ordinances’ ] |
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太田弘毅 [Ota, Kohki] |
半世紀の歩み[ My Life in Java] |
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石居太楼 [Ishii, Taro] |
研究ノート [Notes] |
黎朝下ヴェトナム村落における漂散農民の分析( I ) 下
[ A Study on the Peasant Drain during Le Dynasty in Vietnam (I-2)] |
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桜井由躬雄 [Sakurai, Yumio] |
退官記念講演 [Valedictory Lecture] |
農業開発論の課題[ Some Problems of Agricultural Development] |
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本岡武 [Motooka, Takeshi] |