Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol.52 No.2


Published on January 31, 2015

第2次世界大戦下の鉄道をめぐる日タイ間の攻防: タイはいかに列車運行を奪還・維持したか
[Scramble for Thai Railways between Thailand and Japan during World War II: How Did Thailand Recapture and Maintain Its Train Operations?]
・・・ 柿崎一郎 [KAKIZAKI, Ichiro]
タイ国における中国系善堂の宗教活動: 泰国義徳善堂に見る中国系宗教とタイ仏教
[Religious Activities of Chinese Philanthropic Foundations in Thailand: Chinese Religion, Thai Buddhism, and Ngi Tek Tung]
・・・ 片岡樹 [KATAOKA, Tatsuki]
占領地日本語教育はなぜ「正当化」されたのか: 派遣教員が記憶するフィリピン統治
[What Justifies Japanese-Language Education in Areas Occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army? Analyzing Memoirs of Japanese Teachers Deployed to the Philippines in the Asia Pacific War]
・・・ 木下昭 [KINOSHITA, Akira]
[Collection and Study of Folklore in Relation to Cultural Policy in Socialist Vietnam]
・・・ 大泉さやか [OIZUMI, Sayaka]
[The Labor Strike Movement in Hanoi 1936-37]
・・・ 岡田友和 [OKADA, Tomokazu]
バプテスト宣教の文脈からみる19世紀中葉ビルマのカレン像形成: 宣教師メイソンによる『カレンの使徒』(1843) を題材に
[Reconsideration of the Karen Image in Mid-Nineteenth Century Burma within the Context of the American Baptist Mission]
・・・ 藤村瞳 [FUJIMURA, Hitomi]
書評 [Book Reviews]
川井秀一; 水野広祐; 藤田素子(編).『熱帯バイオマス社会の再生――インドネシアの泥炭湿地から』講座生存基盤論第4 巻.京都大学学術出版会,2012,360p.
[Kawai Shuichi; Mizuno Kosuke; and Fujita Motoko, eds. Regeneration of Tropical Biomass Society: From the Field Studies of Sumatran Peat Swamp Area. Humanosphere Lectures Vol. 4. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2012, 360p. ]
・・・ 古川久雄 [FURUKAWA, Hisao]
[Ota Atsushi. Transformation of the Early-modern Southeast Asian World: Global Economy and the Local Society of Java. Nagoya: The University of Nagoya Press, 2014, ix+505p.]
・・・ 弘末雅士 [HIROSUE, Masashi]
市川昌広; 祖田亮次; 内藤大輔(編).『ボルネオの〈里〉の環境学――変貌する熱帯林と先住民の知』昭和堂,2013,240p.
[Ichikawa Masahiro; Soda Ryoji; and Naito Daisuke, eds. Ethnography of Borneo Anthropogenic Landscape: Changing Tropical Forests and Indigenous Knowledge. Kyoto: Showado, 2013, 240p. ]
・・・ 井上真 [INOUE, Makoto]
[Honna Jun. Paradox of Democratization: Indonesian Politics and Beyond. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2013, 215p.]
・・・ 鈴木絢女 [SUZUKI, Ayame]
[Takahashi Katsuyuki. The Peace Movement during the Early Cold War Years in Asia: The Development of the United Front of the Communist Party of Thailand and the Participation of Multiple Actors. Tokyo: Waseda University Press, 2014, 406p.]
・・・ 高橋正樹 [TAKAHASHI, Masaki]
[Takagi Ryo. Micrology of Order: An Ethnography of Interaction in a Thai Village. Kanagawa: Kanagawa University Press, 2014, 354p.]
・・・ 重冨真一 [SHIGETOMI, Shinichi]
[Ito Masako. Politics of War Memories: Road to Reconciliation for the Problem of Wartime Massacre during the Vietnam War Caused by the South Korean Army. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2013, 292p.]
・・・ 今井昭夫 [IMAI, Akio]
[Nishimura Masaya. Archaeology and Ancient History of Vietnam. Tokyo: Doseisha Co., Ltd., 2011, 360p.]
・・・ 山形眞理子 [YAMAGATA, Mariko]
高田洋子.『メコンデルタの大土地所有――無主の土地から多民族社会へフランス植民地主義の80 年』地域研究叢書27.京都大学学術出版会,2014,xiii+445p
[Takada Yoko. The Making of Large Landholding in the Mekong Delta during the French Colonial Period. Kyoto AreaStudies on Asia(in Japanese) Vol. 27. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2014, xiii+445p.]
・・・ 水野明日香 [MIZUNO, Asuka]
[Kojima Takahiro. Borderland Buddhism: An Ethnography of Theravada Buddhist Practices across the China-Myanmar National Boundary. Kyoto: Kyoto University Press, 2014, iv+330p.]
・・・ 長谷千代子 [NAGATANI, Chiyoko]
[Yamane Takeshi. Military and Politics in the Philippines: Civilian Supremacy and Political Involvement after Democratization. Kyoto: Houritsu BunkaSha , 2014, xiii+316p.]
・・・ 木場紗綾 [KIBA, Saya]