東南アジア研究 28 巻 3 号



<特集>バングラデシュの農業と農村 [Agricultural and Rural Development in Bangladesh]

[The Framework of the Japan-Bangladesh Joint Study on Agricultural and Rural Development in Bangladesh ]
・・・ 海田能宏 [Kaida, Yoshihiro]

[Cropping Systems in Low-Lying Areas of the Bengal Delta : A Regional Comparison of Technological Changes and Development of Cropping Systems ]
・・・ 安藤和雄 [Ando, Kazuo]
田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji]
ケシャブ・ラル・マハラジャン [Maharjan, Keshav L.]
向井史郎 [Mukai, Shiro]
[A Case Study on Hydrologic Conditions and Development of Rice-Based Cropping Patterns in a Haor Village in Bangladesh]
・・・ 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji]
安藤和雄 [Ando, Kazuo]
内田晴夫 [Uchida, Haruo]
ムハマッド・セリム [Salim, Muhammad]

[Land Reclamation and Agriculture in the Bengal Lowland in the British Period : A Historicogeographic Sketch]
・・・ 野間晴雄 [Noma, Haruo]
[The Formation of Settlements in the Bengal Delta]
・・・ 河合明宣 [Kawai, Akinobu]
安藤和雄 [Ando, Kazuo]
[Fertility in Bangladesh Villages ]
・・・ 筒井琢磨 [Tsusui, Takuma]
五十嵐忠孝 [Igarashi, Tadataka]
坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro]

[Labor, Land Transaction and Peasant Economy in Rural Bangladesh : A Comparison of Developed and Less Developed Villages ]
・・・ 宇佐見晃一 [Usami, Koichi]
ムハマッド・アフザル・ホセイン [Hossain, M. Afzal]
[Rural-Urban Interaction and Its Implication for Rural Development in Bangladesh]
・・・ 海田能宏 [Kaida, Yoshihiro]
ケシャブ・ラル・マハラシャン [Maharjan, Keshav L.]
[Rural Development Policies and the Role of Comprehensive Village Cooperatives in Bangladesh ]
・・・ 熊谷宏 [Kumagai, Hiroshi]
[Farmers’ Views on Agricultural and Rural Development : Their Incorporation into Rural Development Planning in Bangladesh ]
・・・ 西村博行 [Nishimura, Hiroyuki]
書評 [Book Reviews]
西野 節男. 『インドネシアのイスラム教育』  勁草書房, 1990,475p.
[Setsuo Nishino, The Islamic Education in Indonesia, Tokyo : Keiso Shobo, 1990,475p]
・・・ 福島真人 [Fukushima, Masato]
W. G. J. Remmelink. Emperor Pakubuwana II, Priyayi & Company and the Chinese War. Leiden : Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 1991 forthcoming. ・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji]
Jane Drakard. A Malay Frontier : Unity and Duality in a Sumatran Kingdom. Ithaca, New York : Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University, 1990,205p, maps, ill. bibl. index. ・・・ Abdullah, Taufik
現地通信 [Field Reports]
第 4 回タイ研究国際会議(1990 年 5 月 11 日-13 日)
[The 4th International Conference on Thai Studies (11-13 May, 1990)]
・・・ 綾部恒雄 [Ayabe, Tsuneo]