Published on March 31, 1990
[Oil Price Declines and Structural Adjustment Policies in Indonesia : A Static CGE Analysis for 1980 and 1985] |
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江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] |
[Economic Structure of Fishing Villages in the Philippines] |
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鳥飼行博 [Torikai, Yukihiro] |
[The Acceptance of Socialism by Burmese Nationalists during the 1930s : Doubama Asiayoun’s Ideological Formation] |
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根本敬 [Nemoto, Kei] |
[Flooding due to Heavy Rainfall in Surat Thani, Thailand, in November 1988] |
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春山成子 [Haruyama, Shigeko]
大矢雅彦 [Oya, Masahiko] |
Studies on Peat in the Coastal Pains of Sumatra and Borneo
――Part IV : A Study of the Floral Composition of Peat in Coastal Plain of Brunei, Borneo―― |
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Supiandi, Sabiham |
Agricultural Involution among Lampung’s Javanese? |
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Kingston, Jeff |
書評 [Book Reviews] |
加納啓良. 『インドネシア農村経済論』 勁草書房, 1988,316p.
[Hiroyoshi Kano, The Rural Economy in Indonesia, Tokyo : Keiso Shobo, 1988, 316p] |
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植村泰夫 [Uemura, Yasuo] |
Charles Higham. The Archaelogy of Mainland Southeast Asia (Cambridge World Archaeology Series). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, xii + 387p. |
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新田栄治 [Nitta, Eiji] |
現地通信 [Field Reports] |
フィリピンの援助問題[The Question of Fiancial Assistance for the Philippines] |
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江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] |