Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 35 No 3


Published on December 31, 1997

<特集>雲南およびその周辺 [Yunnan and Its Surroundings]

[Editor’s Note]
・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu]
[Minor Tribes of South-Western China during the Chin and Han Period]
・・・ 羅二虎 [Luo, Erhu]

[Ecohistory of Minor Ethnic Groups of Yunnan : Eco-logic and the Logic of Civilization ]
・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao]
雲南の森林史 I

[Forest Hisory in Yunnan, China I : Tibetan God-Mountain and Its Protected Forest in Jungden]
・・・ 阿部健一 [Abe, Ken-ichi]
雲南の森林史 II

[Foreest Hisory in Yunnan, China II : Privately Owned Forests and Eucalypt Plantations in Han-dominated Basins]
・・・ 阿部健一 [Abe, Ken-ichi]

[The Thought and Techniques in the Preservation of the Environment : The Case of Tai Ethnic Group in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan]
・・・ 郭艶春 [Guo, Yanchun]

[A Study of Ethnobotanical Culture : The Case of Tai People in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan]
・・・ 郭艶春 [Guo, Yanchun]

[Life among the Limestone Caves : Environmental Change of the Eco-cultural Complex of the Minor Han Grop in Southeastern Yunnan]
・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu]
尹紹亭 [Yin, Shaoting]
[Strategies of Yunnan’s Swiddening Peoples]
・・・ 尹紹亭 [Yin, Shaoting]

[Another “Forest” for the Dead and Spirits: Notes on the Representation of Forest among the Lao and Mon-Khmer Speaking Peoples in Lao P.D.R.]
・・・ 林行夫 [Hayashi, Yukio]
Internal and External Discurse of Communality, Tradition and Environment : Minority Claims on Forest in the Northern Hills of Thailand ・・・ 速水洋子 [Hayami, Yoko]
[Milking Methods in the Mongolian Gobi-nomadic Area]
・・・ 山崎正史 [Yamasaki, Seishi]
書評 [Book Reviews]
Gabriel Kolko. Vietnam : Anatomy of a Peace. London : Routledge, 1997,190p ・・・ 吉原久仁夫 [Yoshihara, Kunio]
Henk Schulte Nordholt. The Spell of Power : A History of Balinese Politics 1650-1940. Leiden : KITLV Press, 1996, 389p ・・・ 永渕康之 [Nagabuchi, Yasuyuki]
Garrit J. Knaap. Shallow Waters, Rising Tide: Shipping and Trade in Java around 1775. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996, x+255p./ Luc Nagtegaal. Riding the Dutch Tiger: The Dutch East Indies Company and the Northeast Coast of Java 1680-1743, translated by B. Jackson. Leiden: KITLV Press, 1996, 250p. ・・・ 大橋厚子 [Ohashi, Atsuko]