Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 9 No 1


Published on June 30, 1971

論文 [Articles]
国家と宗教にかんする一考察 (II) : スコータイにおける大寺派上座部仏教の受容をめぐる諸問題

[Theravada Buddhism in Sukhothai Inscriptions]

・・・ 石井米雄 [Ishii, Yoneo]
パガン, ピンヤ, インワ時代のビルマ人仏教徒の功徳

[Dedications of the Buddhist Burman during Pagan, Pinya and Ava Periods]

・・・ 大野徹 [Ohno, Toru]
Two Brackish Clay Beds along the Chao Phraya River of Thailand ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu]
資料・研究ノート [Notes]
マラッカのチャイニーズ・カピタンの系譜 : 補遺二則

[Two Supplements to a Chronology of the Chinese Kapitans of Malacca]

・・・ 日比野丈夫 [Hibino, Takeo]

[The Dispute between Sukarno and Hatta in the Early 1930’s]

・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji]

[Studies on the Various Titles in the Inscriptions of Preangkor(Cambodia)]

・・・ 石沢良昭 [Ishizawa, Yoshiaki]
Climate of South and Southeast Asia according to Thornthwaite’s Classification Scheme ・・・ 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake]
現地通信 [News from the Fields]

[Some Observations on Double Cropping of Rice in Province of Kedah, Malaysia]

・・・ 堀内孝次 [Horiuchi, Takatsugu]

[Outlines of Indonesian Geology]

・・・ 金山清一 [Kanayama, Seiichi]