Proceedings of the Asian Sub-Link Project Symposium |
Econometric Models of East and Southeast Asian Developing Economies and Asian Link Model |
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市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] |
Linking National Econometric Models of Japan, U. S. A., and the East and Southeast Asian Countries : A Pilot Study |
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江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] |
The Bank of Thailand Model of the Thai Economy |
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Chaipravat, Olarn
Meesook, Kanitta
Ganjarerndee, Siri |
The Bank of Korea Econometric Model |
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Shin, Hyunchul |
The ERC Forecasting Model of the Hong Kong Economy |
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Lin, Tzongbiau |
A Quarterly Econometric Forecasting Model for Taiwan Economy |
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Chiu, Yi-Chung |
The Kyoto University Quarterly Model of the Japanese Economy |
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森口親司 [Moriguchi, Chikashi] |
わが国における熱帯農業研究の課題 [The Scope and Problems of Tropical Agriculture Research in Japan] |
[Scoial Development and Agriculture in Asia ] |
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市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] |
コメント 1[Comments 1] |
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飯田経夫 [Iida, Tsuneo] |
第 1 セッション討論[Discussions 1] |
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安場保吉[司会] [Yasuba, Yasukichi] |
農村発展と農業技術の展望 : タイと韓国を中心として
[Rural Development and Innovation of Agricultural Technology] |
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土屋圭造 [Tsuchiya, Keizo] |
コメント 2[Comments 2 ] |
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口羽益生 [Kuchiba, Masuo] |
第 2 セッション討論[Discussions 2] |
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西村博行[司会] [Nishimura, Hiroyuki] |
熱帯農業開発における技術的側面 : わが国における熱帯農業研究の課題
[Science and Technology for Agricultural Development in the Tropics] |
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岡部四郎 [Okabe, Shiro] |
コメント 3[Comments 3] |
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田中明 [Tanaka, Akira] |
第 3 セッション討論[Discussions 3] |
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久馬一剛[司会] [Kyuma, Kazutake] |
総合討論[Discussion] |
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渡部忠世[司会] [Watabe, Tadayo] |
第2回 熱帯農業京都セミナー出席者名簿[Seminar Participants ] |
現地通信 [Field Reports] |
フィリピンの熱帯材[Tropical Trees in the Philippines] |
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佐藤惺 [Sato, Akira] |
韓国の赤土あれこれ[On Red Clay of Korea] |
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古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] |
食はマレーシアにも在り[Tasty Malay Dishes] |
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山影進 [Yamakage, Susumu] |