Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 60, No. 2

CONTENTS Published on January 31, 2023 19 世紀初頭のベトナム北部山地における阮朝の支配の変遷 [Transition of Governance in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands in the Early Nguyễn Period] ・・・ 吉川和希 [YOSHIKAWA, Kazuki] イサーンにおける「赤シャツ」農民の生態学――支持・参加の濃淡と生業・生態環境の相関から―― [Living Ecology of “Red Shirt” Peasants in Isan: Examining Diversity in Support of “Red Shirts” in Relation to Transformation of Livelihood and Ecological Conditions] ・・・ 藤田 渡 [FUJITA, Wataru] 「白人の国」からフィリピン人入植者植民地へ――20 世紀前半期におけるミンダナオ島入植の再検討―― [From White Man’s Country to Filipino Settler Colony: Reexamining the Mindanao Settlement in the First Half of the 20th Century] ・・・ 鈴木伸隆 [SUZUKI, Nobutaka] 粛清されたベトナム語作家を巡る評価の変遷と連続性(1930s–2020s)――自力文団カイ・フンを事例に―― [Changes and Continuities in the Evaluation of a Purged Vietnamese Writer (1930s–2020s): A Case Study of Khái Hưng of the Self-Reliant Literary Group] ・・・ 田中あき [TANAKA, Aki] 書評 [Book Reviews] […]

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