Japanese Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 61, No. 1

CONTENTS Published on July 31, 2023 反日運動からジャパナイゼーションへ――1970~1990 年代のタイにおける対日認識転換の再検討―― [From Anti-Japanese Movements to a Wave of “Japanization”: Reexamination of the Changes in the Thai Perception of Japan during the 1970s–1990s] ・・・ パッタジット・タンシンマンコン [Tangsinmunkong, Pattajit] インドネシア南東スラウェシ州バジョ集落における儀礼実践にみる空間認識――ヒトと精霊と海との情緒的結びつき―― [Describing Space Cognition from Ritual Practices among Bajo Settlements in Southeast Sulawesi: The Affective Bond between People, Spirits, and the Sea] ・・・ 加藤久美子 [KATO, Kumiko] 書評論文 [REVIEW ARTICLE] 環境政策研究における地域研究の役割――『反転する環境国家――「持続可能性」の罠をこえて』を題材に―― [The Role of Area Studies in Environmental Policy Research: Through a Book Review of Inversion of Environmental States: Beyond the Trap of “Sustainability” by Sato Jin, The University of Nagoya Press] ・・・ 柳澤雅之 [YANAGISAWA, Masayuki] 書評 [Book Reviews] 中西嘉宏.『ミャンマー現代史』(岩波新書)岩波書店,2022,xii+281+17p. [Nakanishi Yoshihiro. Contemporary Myanmar Politics. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, […]

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