Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 23 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1985 資料・研究ノート [Notes] バタンハリ川流域低湿地の農業景観 : その1.地形と堆積層序 [Agricultural Landscape in the Lower Batang Hari, Sumatra Part One : Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of Coastal Swampy Lands] ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] スピアンディ・サビハム [Supiandi, Sabiham] Ta Prohm 碑文にみられる数値について ―― カンボジア碑文考(1)―― [On the Numerical Values on the Ta Prohm Inscription of Jayavarman VII] ・・・ 岩本裕 [Iwamoto, Yutaka] ジャワでの都市部への人口移動の背景と属性 [Background and Charactristics of Migration to Urban Areas in Java] ・・・ 川元岩夫 [Kawamoto, Iwao] A Model for the Assessment of Rainfed Agriculture in Thailand ・・・ Phien, Huynh Ngoc Anukularmphai, Apichart Wang, Yu-Min Japanese Management in Southeast Asia Japanese Management in Indonesia ・・・ 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] Japanese Management in Singapore ・・・ 占部都美 […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 22 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1984 論文 [Articles] 20世紀初頭のメコン・デルタにおける国有地払下げと水田開発 [Land Concession and the Development of Rice Cultivation in the Mekong Delta in the Early Twentieth Century] ・・・ 高田洋子 [Takada, Yoko] An Econometric Link System for the East and Southeast Asian Countries, Japan and the United States ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] 柴山守 [Shibayama, Mamoru] 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] A New Soil Material Classification for Tropical Asian Paddy Soils ・・・ Domingo, Leonora E. 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ラタナコーシン朝初頭における王権とサンガ ―― 『三印法典』「サンガ布告」を中心に―― [Sangha and Monarchy at the Beginning of the Ratanakosin Dynasty, Based upon Seven Kot Phrasong in the Kotmai Tra Sam Duang or the Law of the Three Seals] ・・・ 石井米雄 [Ishii, […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 22 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1984 Transformation of the Agricultural Landscape Editor’s Note ・・・ 前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi] Intersocietal Transfer of Hydraulic Technology in Precolonial South Asia : Some Reflections Based on a Preliminary Investigation ・・・ Gunawardana, R.A.L.H. Agricultural Transformation in Manigamuwa, a Village in Dry-zone Sri Lanka ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu] Jayawardena, S.D.G. Land Utilization in a South Deccan Village : Contrasts between Tank-irrigated and Rain-fed Cultivation ・・・ 応地利明 [Ohji, Toshiaki] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] Rural Entrepreneurship : The Case of Small Rice Mills in Malaysia ・・・ Vokes, Richard W.A. 東南アジアの低湿地林4 : 泥炭湿地林 [Lowland Swamp Forests in Southeast Asia 4. Peat Swamp Forest] ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 現地通信 [Field Reports] A […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 21 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1984 論文 [Articles] Geographical Distribution of Potential Problem Areas with Micronutrient Anomalies in Tropical Asian Paddy Soils ・・・ Domingo, Leonora E. 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] Japanese Competition in the Trade of Malaya in the 1930s ・・・ Koh, Denis Soo Jin 田中恭子 [Tanaka, Kyoko] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] Ayut’ia Men in the Service of Burmese Kings, 16th & 17th Centuries ・・・ Than Tun 東南アジア低湿地の土地利用 [The Use of Equatorial Swanpy Land in Southeast Asia] ・・・ 福井捷朗 [Fukui, Hayao] 東南アジア低湿地の地形 [Natural Geography of Coastal Swamp Lands in Insular Southeast Asia] ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] 東南アジアの低湿地林3 : 淡水湿地林 [Lowland Swamp Forests in Southeast Asia 3: Freshwater Swamp Forest] ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 21 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1983 資料・研究ノート [Notes] Social Life in Burma in the 16th Century ・・・ Than Tun The Chinese of Sarawak: Thirty Years of Change ・・・ 田汝康 [T’ien, Ju-K’ang] 「屋敷地共住集団」再考 ―― 東北タイ・ドンデーン村の追跡調査(中間報告)―― [A Reconsideration of “Multihousehold Compound” in Don Daeng Village, Northeast Thailand] ・・・ 口羽益生 [Kuchiba, Masuo] 武邑尚彦 [Takemura, Takahiko] 与那国島の水田立地と稲作技術 ―― 東南アジア島嶼部稲作との関連において―― [Traditional Rice Culture on Yonaguni Island: A Comparison with Rice Culture in the Southeast Asian Archipelago] ・・・ 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji] 東南アジアの低湿地林2: マングローブの分布[Lowland Swamp Forests in Southeast Asia 2: Distribution of Mangrove] ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 現地通信 [Field Reports] スリランカは東南アジアである[Sri Lanka Belongs to Southeast Asia] ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] 寄贈図書目録 [Books Received by the Library]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 21 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1983 論文 [Articles] An Econometric Madel of Indonesia with Particular Reference to the Monetary Sector: 1970-1980 ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] An Econometric Analysis of the Philippine Economy ―― An Attempt at Policy Simulation―― ・・・ Zialcita, Edgard P. Lucas, Pedro B. Alfiler, Felix R. Manalac, Wilhelmina C. 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] 修道会領地処分問題 ―― 米系糖業資本の対比進出との関連で―― [The Friar Lands Question in the Philippines: With Special Reference to the San Jose Estate, Mindoro] ・・・ 永野善子 [Nagano, Yoshiko] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 東南アジアの低湿地林1 : マングローブ [Lowland Swamp Forests in Southeast Asia 1: Mangrove] ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 南スラウェシのサゴ生産 [Sago Production in South Sulawesi] ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu] 現地通信 [Field Reports] ベトナム社会主義共和国体験記 [A Visit […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 21 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1983 東南アジアにおける「都市」の諸様相 [Patterns of Urban Formation in Southeast Asia] 編者のことば[Editor’s Note] ・・・ 矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] 東南アジアにおける人口と伝統的基礎社会の性格 : 島嶼部を中心として [The Population and Character of Traditional Communities in Insular Southeast Asia] ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] ジョクジャカルタ : 中部ジャワにおける「みやこ」の成立と展開 [Yogyakarta: The Birth and Growth of the Kraton in Central Java] ・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji] バンドン : 西ジャワ・プリアンガンの町の生成と発展 [Bandung: The Birth and Development of a Priangan Town in West Java] ・・・ 村井吉敬 [Murai, Yoshinori] 都市と移住民 : ジャカルタ在住ミナンカバウの事例 [Cities and Migrants in Southeast Asia: A Case of Minangkabau Migrants in Jakarta] ・・・ 加藤剛 [Kato, Tsuyoshi] オランダ東インド会社とバタヴィア(1619-1799年) : 町の崩壊の原因について [The Dutch East India Company and Batavia(1619-1799)] ・・・ レオナルド・ブリュッセイ [Blusse, J. […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 20 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1983 論文 [Articles] The Emergence of Early Kingdoms in South Sulawesi ―― A Preliminary Remark on Governmental Contracts from the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Century―― ・・・ Zainal, Andi’ Abidin 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 東南アジア低湿地の土壌 ―― その2 : 湿地林下の有機質土壌―― [Soil of Swampy Coastal Areas in Southeast Asia: Part 2. Organic Soils under the Swamp Forest] ・・・ 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] Landuse and Soil Catena in Jeneponto Area of South Sulawesi ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] Wet and Dry Analysis for the Cagayan Valley, the Philippines ・・・ Phien, Huynh Ngoc Tan, Carlos C. 東南アジアにおける生薬の比較研究(第XIII報) ―― ジョクジャカルタのJamu(2)―― [(Notes)A Comparative Study of Crude Drugs in Southeast Asia, Part XIII: Jamu Materials in Yogyakarta(2)] […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 20 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1982 論文 [Articles] 明治末期の在日ベトナム人とアジア諸民族連携の試み ―― 「東亜同盟会」ないしは「亜州和親会」をめぐって ―― [Cooperation between Vietnamese and Asian People in Japan in the Late Meiji Era : An Organization Called the Dong A Dong Minh Hoi or the Ashu Washinkai] ・・・ 白石昌也 [Shiraishi, Masaya] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 水田ミナンガ ―― サダン・トラジャの一枚の水田をめぐる社会人類学的覚書き ―― [Uma Minanga : An Anthropological Note of Sa’dan Toraja Rice Cultivation] ・・・ 山下晋司 [Yamashita, Shinji] フローレス島中央部エンデ族における農耕サイクル, および関連諸儀礼 [The Agriculture Cycle and Related Rituals among the Endenese in Central Flores] ・・・ 中川敏 [Nakagawa, Satoshi] 東南アジア低湿地の土壌  ―― その1 マングローブ下の堆積物に由来する土壌 ―― [Soils of Swampy Coastal Areas in Southeast Asia : Part 1, Soils Derived from Mangrove Mud] ・・・ 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] Evapotranspiration of Rice Fields in […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 19 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1982 資料・研究ノート [Notes] タイ国ピブーン政権と太平洋戦争 [The Phibun Regime in Thailand and the Pacific War] ・・・ 吉川利治 [Yoshikawa, Toshiharu] 大阪商船南洋線の前史 : 航路視察復命書を中心として [The Prehistory of the O. S. K.’s Java Line: On the O.S.K.’s Research in Southeast Asian Waters before the First World War] ・・・ 片山邦雄 [Katayama, Kunio] Industrialization, Female Labour Migration, and the Changing Pattern of Malay Women’s Labour Force Participation: An Analysis of Interrelationship and Implications ・・・ Jamilah, M. A. イグレシア・ニ・クリスト : フィリピンの新宗教運動の一事例 [Iglesia Ni Cristo: A Case Study of a New Religious Movement in the Philippines] ・・・ 寺田勇文 [Terada, Takefumi] A Framework for Analysis of Budgetary Politics in Thailand ・・・ Nophakoon, Somphoch 東南アジアにおける生薬の比較研究第XII報 […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 19 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1981 論文 [Articles] Overseas Chinese in Java and Their Liquidation in 1740 ・・・ Kemasang, A.R.T. ビルマにおける栽培稲の変遷と稲作の展開 [The Alteration of Cultivated Rice and the Development of Rice Cultivation in Burma] ・・・ 渡部忠世 [Watabe, Tadayo] 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji] Temporal and Spatial Variations of Monthly Rainfall in Java, Indonesia ・・・ 安成哲三 [Yasunari, Tetsuzo] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] The Radical Traditionalism of the Nahdlatul Ulama in Indonesia : A Personal Account of the 26th National Congress, June 1979, Semarang ・・・ 中村光男 [Nakamura, Mitsuo] Traditional Cropping Systems of Small Farmers in the Central and Southern Deccan Plateau Area ・・・ 田中耕司 [Tanaka, Koji] 渡部忠世 [Watabe, Tadayo] ASEANの結成と地域協力 : 国際・国内政治からみた要因と誘因 [The Formation of […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 19 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1981 人口特集 [ Population] 編集者のことば[Editor’s Note] ・・・ 小林和正 [Kobayashi, Kazumasa] 人口理論と人口推計 :東南アジアに対する応用 [Demographic Theories and Population Projections : With Special Reference to Southeast Asia] ・・・ 河野稠果 [Kono, Shigemi] タイ国人口増加の地域構造 : 1960-1970年 [Subnational Diversity in the Population Growth Rate of Thailand during 1960s] ・・・ 小林和正 [Kobayashi, Kazumasa] On the High Population Growth Rates of the Past in South Sumatra ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] 松下敬一郎 [Matsushita, Keiichiro] 論文 [Articles] Income Levels and Basic Needs of Rubber Smallholders in Traditional Villages in Malaysia ・・・ Shahoran bin Johan Ariffin Tips, Walter E. J. 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ジャワの村落における社会変容の一考察 : 日本軍政下の籾供出制度とその影響 [Social Changes in Javanese Villages, 1942-45: The Forced Delivery System […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 18 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1981 Green Revolution and Rural Development in Asia A Comparative Study of Green Revolution and Rural Development in Asia ・・・ 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] Socio-economic Change in Rural Taiwan: 1950-78 ・・・ Liao, Cheng-hung Yang, Martin M.C. Technical Change and Rural Development in Korea: 1967-76 ・・・ Kim, Moon Shik Oh, Nai Won Ecology, New Technology and Rural Development: Impressions of Kampung Ulu Tiram Burok ・・・ Fredericks, L.J. The Adoption of New Rice-growing Techniques in the Central Plain, Thailand ・・・ Adulavidhaya, Kamphol Tocetharat, Suwanna 論文 [Articles] 19世紀スマトラ中・南部における河川交易 : 東南アジアの貿易構造に関する一視角 [A Preliminary Survey of the River Trade in Central and South Sumatra in the 19th Century: A Viewpoint […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 18 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1980 「近代日本の南方関与」 II [Historical Patterns of the Commitment to Southeast Asia of Modern Japan II] 編集者のことば[Editor’s Note] ・・・ 矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] 「暹羅国蚕業顧問技師」 : 明治期の東南アジア技術援助 [Japanese Sericultural Experts in the Thai Government during the Reign of King Chulalongkorn] ・・・ 吉川利治 [Yoshikawa, Toshiharu] 米領下マニラの初期日本人商業, 1898-1920 : 田川森太郎の南方関与 [Development of the Japanese Commercial Sector in Manila, 1898-1920 : The Case of Jose M. Tagawa] ・・・ 吉川洋子 [Yoshikawa, Yoko] 「台湾籍民」をめぐる諸問題 [Formosans of Japanese Nationality in Fukien] ・・・ 中村孝志 [Nakamura, Takashi] 熱帯産業調査会開催と台湾総督府外事部の設置 [The Research Committee for Tropical Industries (Nettaisangyo Chosakai) and the Foreign Relations Department (Gaijibu) of the Government-General of Formosa] ・・・ 長岡新治郎 [Nagaoka, Shinjiro] 南洋における日本人学校の動態 [The Japanese School […]

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