Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 18 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1980 論文 [Articles] 東南アジア連合成立過程の分析 [The Formation of the Association of Southeast Asia : An Analysis of a Political Process in the Initiation of Regional Cooperation] ・・・ 山影進 [Yamakage, Susumu] シンガポールの中国政策 : 首脳訪問を中心に [Singapore’s Policy towards China : Official Visits, 1975-78] ・・・ 田中恭子 [Tanaka, Kyoko] An Ecological View of a Subsistence Economy Based Mainly on the Production of Rice in Swiddens and in Irrigated Fields in a Hilly Region of Northern Thailand ・・・ 中野和敬 [Nakano, Kazutaka] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] The Bank of Thailand Model and Its Appication to Policy Simulation ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] Agricultural Development Policy in West Malaysia ・・・ 下元豊 [Shimomoto, Yutaka] Distribution of […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 17 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1979 南スマトラ [South Sumatra : Man and Agriculture] はじめに[Introduction] ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] 第1部 南スマトラの民族と自然 : 南スマトラの民族と自然 [Part 1 Man and Nature in South Sumatra: Man and Nature in South Sumatra] 第1部 南スマトラの民族と自然 : 南スマトラの自然環境区分 [Part 1 Man and Nature in South Sumatra: Pysiographic Regions in the Komering-Ogan River Basins, South Sumatra ] ・・・ 海田能宏 [Kaida, Yoshihiro] 第1部 南スマトラの民族と自然 : 南スマトラ低地部の土壌 [Part 1 Man and Nature in South Sumatra : Lowland Soils along the Komering River in South Sumatra ] ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] 第1部 南スマトラの民族と自然 : 南スマトラ低湿地の森林植生 [Part 1 Man and Nature in South Sumatra : Ecological Study of Mangrove and Swamp Forests […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 17 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1979 Proceedings of the Asian Sub-Link Project Symposium Econometric Models of East and Southeast Asian Developing Economies and Asian Link Model ・・・ 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] Linking National Econometric Models of Japan, U. S. A., and the East and Southeast Asian Countries : A Pilot Study ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] The Bank of Thailand Model of the Thai Economy ・・・ Chaipravat, Olarn Meesook, Kanitta Ganjarerndee, Siri The Bank of Korea Econometric Model ・・・ Shin, Hyunchul The ERC Forecasting Model of the Hong Kong Economy ・・・ Lin, Tzongbiau A Quarterly Econometric Forecasting Model for Taiwan Economy ・・・ Chiu, Yi-Chung The Kyoto University Quarterly Model of the […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 17 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1979 論文 [Articles] らく田問題の整理 : 古代紅河デルタ開拓試論 [A Preliminary Essay on the Reclamation in the Ancient Red River Delta] ・・・ 桜井由躬雄 [Sakurai, Yumio] Effects of Some Management Proxies and Sociological Factors on Productivity of Rubber Smallholdings in Malaysia ・・・ Sepien, Abdullah bin ベトナムの民族俗字「字喃」の構造とその淵源 [Chu Nom, the Former Vietnamese Demotic Script : Its Structure and Origin] ・・・ 冨田健次 [Tomita, Kenji] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ビルマの「ダムマタッ」(慣習法典)について [An Outline of the History of the Origin, Development and Research on the Dhammathats : Customary Law Texts in the Kingdoms of Burma] ・・・ 奥平龍二 [Okuhira, Ryuji] Historical and Problem Analysis of Southeast Asian Mass Communication Research ・・・ Lent, John A. A Note […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 16 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1979 論文 [Articles] タマン・シスワの研究(1928年〜1930年) : 組織化をめぐって [Taman Siswa : Its Organization in the Late 1920s] ・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji] ボントック族の通過儀礼 : 動物範疇のパロールとして [Rites of Passage of the Bontok Igorot : A Parol of the Animal Category] ・・・ 合田濤 [Goda, Toh] Effect of Mekong Mainstream Flood Regulation on Hydrology and Agriculture in the Cambodian Lowland (I) : Rice Culture ・・・ 海田能宏 [Kaida, Yoshihiro] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] Indonesia : After the Student Revolt ・・・ Kroef, Justus M. van der マレー農村ガロック再訪 [ Galok, a Malay Village in Kelantan, Revisited] ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] A Format for Field Soil Records for Computer-Based Data Management System ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 16 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1978 Proceedings of the Seminar on the Problems of Rice-Growing Villages in Malaysia Foreword ・・・ 水野浩一 [Mizuno, Koichi] Editor’s Introduction ・・・ Fredericks, Madya L. J. Opening Speech ・・・ Datuk Mokhzani bin Abdul Rahim Opening Speech ・・・ 市村真一 [Ichimura, Shinichi] Some Ecological Observations on Rice-Growing in Malaysia ・・・ 福井捷朗 [Fukui, Hayao] 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu] Jegatheesan, S. Socio-Economic Changes in a Malay Padi-Growing Community (Padang Lalang) in Kedah ・・・ 口羽益生 [Kuchiba, Masuo] Mohd. Nor Ghani The Malay Family as a Social Circle ・・・ 前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi] Mohd. Dahlan Hj. Aman The Changing Function of Religion among Rural Malays ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] Afifuddin Hj. Omar Comparative […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 16 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1978 特集 近代日本の南方関与 [ Historical Patterns of the Commitment to Southeast Asia of Modern Japan] 編集者のことば[Editor’s Note ] ・・・ 矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] 論文 [Articles] 大正期「南進論」の特質 [Japanese Views on Southeast Asia during the Taisho Period ] ・・・ 矢野暢 [Yano, Toru] 日本人キリスト者三浦襄の「南方関与」 : 信徒のキリスト教受容に関する一考察 [Jo Miura, A Japanese Christian Who “Moved Southward” : An Attempt at an Analysis of the Acceptance of Christianity among Ordinary People ] ・・・ 原誠 [Hara, Makoto] 「アジア主義」者のタイ国進出 : 明治期の一局面 [The Asianists in Thailand in the Middle of the Meiji Era ] ・・・ 吉川利治 [Yoshikawa, Toshiharu] 資料 [Notes] 外務省外交史料館所蔵の東南アジア関係史料 [ Official Records of Japanese Activities in Southeast Asia: Documents in the Diplomatic Archives […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 15 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1978 論文 [Articles] 東南アジア米輸出国の農業発展 : 理論的説明の精緻化・補強の観点から [Agricultural Development in Southeast Asian Rice Exporting Counties: A Search for Detailed and Reinforced Theoretical Explanation] ・・・ 斎藤一夫 [Saito, Kazuo] Evolution of Ethnic Patterns of Rural Land Ownership in Peninsular Malaysia: A Case Study ・・・ Voon, Phin-Keong 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ジャワ知識人の西欧認識をめぐる諸問題 : 1913-1922年 [ Javanese Intellectuals’ Conception of the West: A Case Study of Soewardi Soerjaningrat and His Colleagues from 1913 to 1922] ・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji] 黎朝下ヴェトナム村落における漂散農民の分析 (I) 上 [ A Study of the Abandonment of Villages by Peasants in Vietnam during the Le Dynasty 1] ・・・ 桜井由躬雄 [Sakurai, Yumio] The Burmese Pwe : British Newspaper Accounts 1899-1921 […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 15 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1977 論文 [Articles] 「原住民委員会」をめぐる諸問題 : 支配と抵抗の様式に関連して [Soewardi Soerjaningrat and His “Als ik eens Nederlander was”] ・・・ 土屋健治 [Tsuchiya, Kenji] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 現代マレーシアにおける政治的リーダーシップの史的特性分析 : 政治エリートの分析を通してみたマレーシア政権の特性、1967年〜1977年 [Malaysia’s Political Leadership, 1967-1977] ・・・ 中野秀一郎 [Nakano, Hideichiro] 日本人の眼からみたインドネシア人勤労者 [Indonesians at Work through Japanese Eyes] ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] Palaung Dialects: A Preliminary Comparison ・・・ 三谷恭之 [Mitani, Yasuyuki] Interdependence of the ASEAN Region: The Transaction Analysis of Trade Flows, 1950, 1960, 1970 ・・・ 山影進 [Yamakage, Susumu] Forest Ecological Studies of the Montane Forest of Mt. Pangrango, West Java: IV. Floristic Composition along the Altitude ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] タイとインドに共通する薬用植物の効用に関する文献的比較調査 [A Comparative Survey of Thai and Indian Uses of Medicinal Plants […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 15 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1977 論文 [Articles] Growth Accounting of the Philippines: The Demand-for-Output Side ・・・ 江崎光男 [Ezaki, Mitsuo] Education, Development and Change in Malaysia ・・・ Rudner, Martin 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ジャカルタの日本人と家事使用人 : 対人関係における期待の齟齬をめぐって [Japanese Wives and Indonesian Housemaids in Jakarta] ・・・ 坪内玲子 [Tsubouchi, Reiko] タガログ語のアクセントに関する覚え書き : 物理アクセントと心理アクセント [Some Remarks on Tagalog Accents: Physical Accents vs. Psychological Accents] ・・・ 森口恒一 [Moriguchi, Tsunekazu] 1976年8月のミンダナオ島南部の地震と津波について [The Earthquake and Tsunami in Southern Mindanao, August, 1976] ・・・ 中村重久 [Nakamura, Shigehisa] タイ国材類生薬について( I ) : 構造の特性 [A Note on Woody Drugs in Thailand: Histological Features] ・・・ 木島正夫 [Konoshima, Masao] 本多義昭 [Honda, Gisho] 玉田誠宏 [Tamada, Masahiro]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 14 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1977 論文 [Articles] Towards a History of Mon-Khmer: Proto-Semai Vowels ・・・ Diffloth, Gerard Rural Land Ownership and Development in the Malay Reservations of Peninsular Malaysia ・・・ Voon, Phin-Keong 嘉隆均田例の分析 [A Study on the Vietnamese Land Distribution Regulation of 1804] ・・・ 桜井由躬雄 [Sakurai, Yumio] The Pteridophytes of Mt Burnay and Vicinity, Northern Luzon ・・・ 岩槻邦男 [Iwatsuki, Kunio] Price, Michael G. 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 東南アジアにおける石油危機 [The Impact of “Oil Crisis” on Southeast Asia] ・・・ 安場保吉 [Yasuba, Yasukichi] North-South Alignment of Burma’s Old Walls ・・・ Than Tun 東南アジアにおける陸水の研究 [Studies of the Inlandwaters in Southeast Asia] ・・・ 水野寿彦 [Mizuno, Toshihiko]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 14 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1978 論文 [Articles] Ethnic Differences and Economic Change in a Local Malaysian Setting ・・・ Winzeler, Robert L. Paddy Soils in Tropical Asia : Part 6. Characteristics of Paddy Soils in Each Country ・・・ 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo] 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] Chemical, Mineralogical and Micromorphological Properties of Glaebules in Some Tropical Lowland Soils ・・・ 古川久雄 [Furukawa, Hisao] Handawella, James 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] 稲作経営における農業の技術・経済的知識の普及 : メコン・デルタとチャオプラヤ河, ピン河流域における比較調査 [Technical and Socio-Economic Knowledge Situation among Farmers : A Comparative Farm Management Survey in the Mekong Delta, the Chao Praya Area, and the River Ping Area] ・・・ 西村博行 [Nishimura, Hiroyuki] コミュニティ宗教におけるシンボル : 南スラウェシ省アンパリタにおける事例 [A Preliminary […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 14 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1977 論文 [Articles] An Economic Analysis of Peasant Rice Farming in Kelantan, Malaysia ・・・ 藤本彰三 [Fujimoto, Akimi] Contributions to the Flora of Southeast Asia : VI. Additions and Corrections to the Knowledge of Labiatae in Thailand (1) ・・・ 村田源 [Murata, Gen] Forest Ecological Studies of the Montane Forest of Mt.Pangrango, West Java : III. Litter Fall of the Tropical Montane Forest near Cibodas ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] フィリピンの政治的正当性の一考察 : 変革への試練 [A Study of Political Legitimacy in Transition : A Case of the Philippines] ・・・ 吉川洋子 [Yoshikawa, Yoko] ビルマの壁画 III : ニャウンヤン時代を中心として [Wall Paintings of Burma in the Nyaungyan Period] ・・・ 大野徹 [Ohno, […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 14 No 1

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on June 30, 1976 論文 [Articles] 東南アジアの経済発展と労働市場 : 観察事実と農工間労働移動理論の誤謬 [Labour Market in South East Asian Economic Development : Faults of the Dualistic Development Model and Reality] ・・・ 鳥居泰彦 [Torii, Yasuhiko] 児童の体力差に関する分析的研究 : 日本・タイ・インドネシア児童相互間の比較 [Analytical Study on the Differences of Physical Fitness in School Children : Interrelations among Japanese, Thai and Indonesian] ・・・ 大山良徳 [Ohyama, Yoshinori] 村井淳志 [Murai, Atsushi] 松浦義行 [Matsuura, Yoshiyuki] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] タイの地租改正について [ A Note on Land Tax Reform in Thailand] ・・・ 北原淳 [Kitahara, Atsushi] タイにおける領事裁判権をめぐって : 保護民問題の所在 [ On the Consular Jurisdiction in Thailand: A Preliminary Note] ・・・ 飯島明子 [Iijima, Akiko] Vertical Zoning of Monsoon Asia by Agricultural Landuse : A Progress Report ・・・ […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 13 No 4

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on March 31, 1976 論文 [Articles] The Structure of Government in the Colonial Federation of Malaya ・・・ Rudner, Martin Forest Ecological Studies of the Montane Forest of Mt. Pangrango, West Java: II. Stratification and Floristic Composition of the Forest Vegetation of the Higher Part of Mt. Pangrango ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] ブリタル反日蜂起の史的考察 : インドネシア8月革命序曲 [The Anti-Japanese Revolt of the Peta Army in Blitar] ・・・ 白石愛子 [Shiraishi, Aiko] 開明的知識人層の形成 : 20世紀初頭のベトナム [The Emergence of New Vietnamese Intellectuals at the Beginning of the 20th Century] ・・・ 白石昌也 [Shiraishi, Masaya] The Philippine Statehood Movement: A Resurrected Illusion, 1970-1972 ・・・ Soberano, Rawlein G. タイ国の法体系に関する一考察 ( II ) : 伝統的法体系の存続 […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 13 No 3

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on December 31, 1975 論文 [Articles] タイ米輸出制度の経済理論的分析 [Theoretical Analysis of Rice Export System in Thailand] ・・・ 中嶋千尋 [Nakajima, Chihiro] タイ国ライス・プレミアム政策の実証的経済分析 [Economic Analysis of the Rice Premium Policy of Thailand] ・・・ 辻井博 [Tsujii, Hiroshi] Paddy Soils in Tropical Asia: Part 5. Soil Fertility Evaluation ・・・ 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo] 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] Forest Ecological Studies of the Montane Forest of Mt. Pangrango, West Java: I. Stratification and Floristic Composition of the Montane Rain Forest near Cibodas ・・・ 山田勇 [Yamada, Isamu] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] Phan Boi Chau and Japan ・・・ 白石昌也 [Shiraishi, Masaya] タイ国の法体系に関する一考察 ( I ) : 伝統的法体系の存続 [The Continuity of the Traditional Legal System in Modern Thailand (I)] ・・・ […]

Southeast Asian Studies Vol. 13 No 2

目次 [CONTENTS] Published on September 30, 1975 論文 [Articles] メコンデルタにおける土地利用と経済社会開発史 [A Historical Analysis of the Problem of Landownership and Socio-Economic Development in the Mekong Delta] ・・・ 高橋保 [Takahashi, Tamotsu] Geographic Distribution of Primary Freshwater Fishes in Four Principal Areas of Southeast Asia ・・・ 多紀保彦 [Taki, Yasuhiko] Paddy Soils in Tropical Asia: Part 4, Soil Material Classification ・・・ 川口桂三郎 [Kawaguchi, Keizaburo] 久馬一剛 [Kyuma, Kazutake] 資料・研究ノート [Notes] マレー人家族における養子慣行 [Adoptive Pro-Parents and Pro-Children among the Malays] ・・・ 坪内良博 [Tsubouchi, Yoshihiro] 前田成文 [Maeda, Narifumi] シンガポール工業化における外資系企業と民族系企業 [ Foreign-affiliated vs. Domestic Companies in Singapore’s Industrialization] ・・・ 吉原久仁夫 [Yoshihara, Kunio] Rice Cropping Patterns in Southern Asian Delta ・・・ 高谷好一 [Takaya, Yoshikazu] タイ国のしだ植物相と植物地理 [Phytogeographical Notes on the Pteridophyte […]

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